Takeover Tuesday with David Holm
An interview with David Holm: a 2D animation & illustration specialist from Detroit, Michigan.
Interviewer: Bella Alfonsi
Read time: 5min
Thanks for joining us for Takeover Tuesday, Dave! Please give the people a lil' introduction!
My Name is David Holm and I am an animator/designer at Boxfort, in Detroit Michigan.
How did you get into motion design?
I went to school for graphic design originally but always wanted to make cartoons and make short films.
The community college at the time didn't have any classes for 2d animation.
But towards my last semester I won a scholarship contest. Which gave me the funds to take a full year of extra classes. So I took Intro to After Effects and Advanced After Effects(taught by Steve Savalle at the time)
And those two classes really helped me use my graphic design and illustration skills in a new way.
Then a year after graduating college in 2012 I landed my first in house studio job as a motion designer!
What's the workflow like when mixing 2D and 3D styles together?
When I work with mixing 2D and 3D I usually like the 3d elements to ground the 2D animations. So the characters will be all 2D animated but the environment is all made in 3D.
I just think mixing the 2d/3d can give you a really unique look and results. I also really like using glass and reflections to get cool random light leaks.
I love me a character made from an inanimate object- big fan of yours. How do you give personality to something that isn't a human?
Thank you! I really have a wild imagination that lets me give random objects backstories and wonder how this character/object behaves in an animated world.
Every object in my house has been drawn with a face lol
Dave worked with his pals Gunner to create some animated stickers for a unique mint company called Flintt Mints
Do you have a favorite project that you've worked on?
My favorite project I've worked on is probably Recess or Half Rez, because we collaborated together to mix a bunch of styles together and made something that felt fresh and unique.
Where do you find inspiration?
I find inspiration in everyday life. I really benefit from going outside and just watching the plants sway in the wind. And see the wild life thrive and just live around us.
Also bringing a mini sketch book around and using it to do quick idea sketches on the spot.
What are you most proud of in your career thus far?
What I am most proud of in my career would be probably being able to successfully work as an animator/designer and pursue other hobbies on the side.
Recently I joined my friends band and being freelance lets me be flexible to do both. Also, contributing on the Dash Bash titles this year was a highlight too!
It was a dream project to work with Dash and have it be seen by so many creatives.
Frame from Recess, a Boxfort short film.
What's it like working at Boxfort? Do you collaborate often with fellow freelancers?
Working at Boxfort has been incredible, we have grown a lot in the last year and we have a lot of new creative energy. We do collaborate a lot by giving each other advice or suggestions. And we are also in the process of creating a handful
of new animated short films. We actually just released an animated short for the new Gunner School. You can check that out here.
Do you have any advice for being stuck in a creative rut/how to get out of it?
If I get stuck in a creative rut, I usually need to take a break from the screen and all technology. Taking a walk in the woods or a park helps me so much to give myself some clarity and motivation.
Music playlists that are made to get me motivated and stay creative help me a lot too. Also exercise a little will give your brain a boost. We like to play hacky Sack to break up the screen time. It gets your body moving and it's fun!
Any final words of wisdom?
Final words of wisdom would be to write down your projects/to do lists daily. Sketch ideas out instead of doom scrolling social media. Also, you should set aside a day to not be on the computer at least once a week.