Discussing the Evolution of the Animation Industry with TJ Kearney
We sat down with TJ Kearney, Global Director of Content at Work & Co. and former founding partner of oddfellows, to speak on the debate of being a generalist vs specialist, the growing importance of social media, and more!
Q&A with TJ Kearney
Read time: 20min
Mack Garrison:
I advise others, but I also need to listen to it myself. I was talking to someone the other day, a student, about how whatever you put up on your website is what people will ultimately hire you for. Advertise what it is you want to do. dash has done a really good job of defining a style that we're good at; colorful vector, snappy, bubbly-type animation. The problem is, we've started to notice that that's the only recurring work we're getting from people, but we can do a lot more.
So, one of our goals this year is to push into creating stuff that feels different than what's already on our portfolio. To try to say, "Hey look, yeah, we can knock this explainer video out of the park for you, but here are some other things that we can do as well."
TJ Kearney:
You and I were talking about this the other day. It doesn't matter how talented your studio is, even if you have crazy stuff on your reel that brought the client to you in the first place. They can still reach a point where they say, "Well, have you done this exact thing? Have you done animated food?" And you're like, "Of course I can do that, but I don't have it in my reel." That can be a deal-breaker. Sometimes people want to see that one exact thing.
As you said, you have this one style, so clients are only seeing that one style. We ran into that when I had a studio. We started only doing 3D, eventually, we started hiring cel animators. Suddenly, we couldn't win any 3D work because we had nothing to show. It’s something important to think about as you're curating; what you're putting out into the world. Make sure it's leading to the next thing, rather than just showing what you've already done in the past.
Mack Garrison:
How'd y'all get out of that? Was it just that emphasis and focus on creating new work that showed you could do a more diverse style?
TJ Kearney:
It was a mixture. In the beginning, we’d sneak it in wherever we could, even if it wasn't a part of what the client asked for. Then, a lot of it came down to personal projects and putting up work that aligned with what we wanted to do. I also think it was a result of how we built our staff.
We were 3D heavy in the beginning, but as we grew our staff, we started adding people that augmented that team and added to it. As a result, our aesthetic changed, and the work we started putting out reflected that. But then we almost went too far in the other direction where it's like, "Okay, well now we haven't touched 3D in six months plus, so now it's harder for us to sell in 3D." That's fine if you don't want to be doing that, but if you want to have a diverse range, then you have to be continually updating the work while making sure that you have a consistent flow of multiple types of work so that people can see what you’re capable of.
“it’s something important to think about as you're curating: what you're putting out into the world. make sure it's leading to the next thing, rather than just showing what you've already done in the past.”
Mack Garrison:
I've been surprised how much social media has started to influence our projects and the work we're landing. You mentioned posting little personal pieces or side projects to show what you're capable of doing. I feel we've been focused on just putting a lot of stuff out on social media for exposure within our communities so that people know who we are. It's impacted a lot of the clientele that follow us.
I can't tell you how many times I've gotten calls that have been like, "Oh, I saw this post that you guys put out the other day. It looks like it's the perfect fit for this project that we're working on. You want to talk about it?" I never thought that social media would have pivoted to a point where it has such a direct impact on our work.
TJ Kearney:
I try to keep in mind that the people who’re hiring you more often than not are the art and design directors. They're always pulling you for reference, and not necessarily just you, but also pulling from socials. Years ago, your only options were to go to a rep and see what the rep presented to you. Go to Motionographer. Go to Stash. Go to these places that were highlighting a select few. Now, the middleman has been cut out of that whole scenario. Art directors are looking at Instagram just as much as anybody else, and they're the target.
The trap there and the thing I get worried about is the pressure to constantly update your socials. What ends up happening is you put out a bunch of work more frequently, and it's not as high a caliber as it used to be. However, I lean more towards consistently updating while not feeling the pressure that you have to put something on every day or even every week. Once or twice a quarter is fine. Make sure you have a presence out there, but also make sure what you're putting out is differentiating you because of its higher quality.
Mack Garrison:
I feel the same trap of assimilating into a particular style. Things get saturated, as far as where people are trying to find inspiration. Work starts to look similar. You have a couple of big players that come out with something that looks relatively unique, then, all of a sudden, you get a million copycats that push in that direction. As an industry, that's one area that we can improve; pushing new avenues. Though, I do feel motion design is one of the few areas bridging this gap between all of the different fields. You have new technology coming out; people coming into it who have a background in code, graphic design, illustrators, designers. It's a hodgepodge of people that get into this field.
TJ Kearney:
That ties back to the social media posting everyone’s pulling from. You've got two or three different routes; you’ve got direct-to-client work, working with an agency involved as a middleman between you, or, you're working with a studio that you're running everything for them. You run into issues less with that third one. The other two have art directors that have been selling through to the client. Even if they're internal, they’ve been selling an aesthetic before you even get to the table. They've had weeks or months worth of conversations to get the budget unlocked. Usually, they’ve been pulling the same work that everybody else is. By that time, their higher-ups are already expecting something to look a certain way and it becomes that much harder for you to push.
Unfortunately, some of that gets taken out of your hands at the studio. A lot falls on your client relations; getting yourself up the food chain so that you're having that conversation early on before things are locked in. I think that this is where it gets interesting. Right? You've got studios - Golden Wolf is a great example - where they have an aesthetic and a theme. You know what you're buying into. Then, you have some more diverse studios. That's where you’ll get a broader spectrum to get hired. At the same time, they may come to you with a very clear direction before you even get your chance to put your stamp on it.
Mack Garrison:
100%. Even just saying, "Golden Wolf," everyone reading will picture exactly what that style of work is. I'm sure it's the same deal for the clients who want to hire them. It's like, "Well, we know we can get diversity in what we want our final project to be, but, in general, we want it to be in this style. So let's go to the best of the best who does that."
On the flip side, if you're more of a generalist, you might not be the go-to studio to do that. Ultimately, it depends on how you want to position yourself in the market. I'm curious about your take on this as well. Now’s the time if you’re a specialist. Be good at something, get hired for being the best at that. But, if you're looking for more long-term security in the industry, I think being a generalist makes more sense. It gives you ultimate flexibility while allowing you to pivot with new trends and technology. Do you have a thought on which is better?
TJ Kearney:
I think better is an interesting term. It comes down to your individual goals, whether at a studio or as a freelancer. Either is a gamble. If you're a generalist, you're probably not going to make as much due to your wide spectrum. The good thing is that you're going to get volume, so you'll have more opportunities come to you. But I wouldn't be surprised if the budgets go up. Right?
Instead, when you start to see the budgets go up, that’s when you have a hyper-focused type of team or individual. You especially see this in illustration where you’ll have an illustrator who's popular and has a distinct style. They could be three times the price of any other illustrator, but the client wants that one style. So, they're going to invest in the more expensive person. The problem is, you're waiting for clients who want that one thing or that one look. The phone will ring a little less frequently when you're that specialized, but you can charge a premium for it. That's all well and good when times are really good…
Mack Garrison:
...when that style's really in.
TJ Kearney:
That's the thing, it has a time limit. That style's not going to be in for the entirety of anyone's career. For that reason, I think being a generalist is safer. For freelancers, it comes down to where you want to work. If you just want to make sure you're making a paycheck, or you want to work at agencies, being a generalist makes a lot of sense. They’re going to have you work on tons of different types of work. If you want to work at a studio, most studios are looking for hyper-focused individuals. They have a need. They're trying to augment or add to their team. So many animators that are coming out of school right now, if you want to get into a studio, you have to differentiate yourself. It comes down to the individual's goals; depending on what you want, where you want to end up, and consistency versus quality. Those are the decision-makers for where you put your energy.
“it comes down to the individual's goals; depending on what you want, where you want to end up, and consistency versus quality. those are the decision-makers for where you put your energy.”
Mack Garrison:
That's a really interesting take on it. Using them as a continued example, I think about Golden Wolf. The type of person that would go there is very specific. On the other hand, I think about all of the random projects that come in the door. For some, it's more beneficial to have people with a multitude of skill sets. We may have someone working in pre-production who’ll then be animating the next day. Or, maybe they're conceptualizing some stuff. Having people that are versatile and can hop around is helpful, but maybe you don’t necessarily need to be versatile in a bunch of different styles, but versatile on how you take that style and apply it to different areas of the process. Whereas, in an agency, you may be more involved in all different areas, a studio you might be more specific.
Let me ask you this, TJ, let's say you're starting a studio. You open it up. ‘TJ Kearney R Us,’ or whatever it's called. How do you think you would approach it? Would you do anything differently? Would you be hyper-focused? More of a generalist?
TJ Kearney:
A few things, I would not hire based on skill set, but based on personalities. I’d build a team that works well together with skills that benefit one another. Then, I would learn to sell around that. What I've learned throughout my career is people buy into hyper-focused and well-running machines. Anyone, any client can go hire an animator. They do all the time. So, why do they need you?
You've built a unit, a team, that works so well together that they pump out work at a higher caliber than any freelancers or group they could bring in. That's the difference. When I first started, there were really big egos and a lot of assholes in the industry, to be honest. People could get away with that because they were buying into the fact that there were only a handful of people that could do the work. So, there were a few people that made a ton of money. They could treat their assistants like crap and get away with it because they were the only ones that could do it.
TJ Kearney:
Let's be honest, we have an oversaturated market of talent. There are so many kids graduating, young talent coming out that's affordable. But, that only gets you so far. It's the teams that work well together and are going to make something better than any thrown together team can.
What I've learned the most out of all the companies I've worked with, is the importance of finding what you're good at, focusing on it, and becoming a leader in it. That means, for the most part, that you don't pivot, but when you do, you go all in. Those are the biggest things; team personality and makeup, finding what you're good at, making sure you stand out, and even if you take on and you are diverse within the walls of your studio don't sell yourself as a bunch of different things.
Mack Garrison:
I love where this conversation is going. Sometimes with direct to client projects, a lot of the clients are used to working with agencies. They're used to working with groups that have more capabilities than what a studio might offer. But the industry is shifting and some of these bigger companies are gaining in-house teams. Despite that, clients don't necessarily have the need for a big turnkey agency. They want to go to a studio for their animation needs, however, they're still wanting more of what they've gotten from an agency. Of course, it's just like a cheaper price because you're coming to a studio.
It's really important not to water down your focus and to be good at one thing, you know? As soon as you start to become too broad - you start doing media buys or try to become the motion studio that transitions into an agency - you’ll start falling short on promises and what you do well. Off that same line, aside from bringing in creative roles, what are some other roles you think are crucial that motion studios out there might overlook?
TJ Kearney:
I'm going to be biased to producers. I'm a producer.
Mack Garrison:
TJ Kearney:
There are a lot of studios that started with just creative, that's the biggest mistake. You need a strong producer that can handle tough conversations with clients, lawyers, and accountants. Especially when you're a small company. The reality is, you're not going to have an HR department. So they've got to fill in as HR and office management as well. They wear all these different hats. That's step one.
Step two...having a partner. You don't necessarily need to hire in-house accountants or anything like that, but having a financial partner that can guide you is something that's often overlooked. Also, lawyers are really important partners to have on hand. Then when it comes to augmenting your staff, I would focus on writers and developers. Having developer partners is going to open up the doors for a lot of where the industry's headed next. When I was starting, everything was television. TV and cinema then started evolving into digital and the web. We’ve had this golden period of making a bunch of online how-to and intro videos, but we're seeing those budgets get cut in half. Right? Now, we're trying to figure out how to get scrappy. But rather than fighting each other over the scraps at the end, why don't we focus on what's next?
Mack Garrison:
That’s a good point.
“what I've learned the most out of all the companies I've worked with is the importance of finding what you're good at. focusing on it, and becoming a leader in it.”
TJ Kearney:
That and media buying have been my focus. Most studios don't, but I think it is really important. Here at Work & Co, I have a content team, development team, and our design team. Also, a company that we purchased, called AKDM that does all the media planning and buying.
Mack Garrison:
You know, I think there's tension in the industry. Bigger agencies are getting smaller. You have freelancers who are becoming more capable. Kids are coming out of school who are doing phenomenal stuff. So, the industry is kind of pitching. What used to be brought into work for the studio is now getting taken away by freelancers and some of the top-tier studios are now taking work away from some of those agencies. There's going to be a lot more partnerships starting to happen. Because branding is going to be a really important element of this, but so is systemizing the motion.
We had a piece we worked on with a brand agency called New Kine, they needed us to come in and help with the video. So, it became like a partnership, we were brought into the conversations. It was all transparent, and in the end, we went our separate ways. They were able to deliver on a client's needs without having to take on the overhead or manage something that was out of their wheelhouse. I think there's going to be a lot more of that, particularly as shops become smaller while trying to be a little more nimble.
TJ Kearney:
I think you hit something important there. A partnership has to be a partnership, not a vendor relationship. When that branding studio brought you to the table, it was about both going to conversations together. When you're building these relationships, I wouldn't wait until the need arises. Then, you're scrambling. Instead, I would get ahead of it and build those relations now so that when the opportunity comes up, you're already fluid. You're used to working together and you know how it's going to work.
Mack Garrison:
That's a great analogy. That preparedness, thinking ahead is the biggest thing. It's easy to get caught up, especially when you're busy with projects that you're hyper-focused on. One of the things that I've learned from running the studio is that you have to be looking ahead; what projects are coming in, your revenue stream, is there going to be slower months? All are imperative and are examples of why having good management is so important.
What might be a good thing to speak on is the producer role. For myself, my role is pretty blended. I'm a producer, a creative director, an accountant, and I'm also writing company. It's all over the place, but a true producer role. What are the expectations of a producer?
TJ Kearney:
The true role of a producer varies by their level and specific title, right? You have junior producers, studio producers, broadcast producers, and digital producers. You also have senior and finally executive producers. Everybody has their different title. At a junior producer level, you're learning on the job. My expectations are you’re taking notes in the meetings, you’re checking in and making sure the shots are getting done on time while also reporting back. This will vary depending on the size of the company.
Standard producers can handle one to two projects by themselves. They escalate things to the executive producer and are the bad guys when needed. They're always going to have their scopes vetted by a senior or an executive producer before they go out. But I’d expect to be able to hand them a project and run the day to day and make sure it gets done.
TJ Kearney:
Senior producers are going to do all that, plus be able to handle multiple projects at a time at a full load. All the while, mentoring the younger producers. Finally, you've got your executive producers. In my mind, they’re the parents of the studio or team. Their job is to build that team to deal with inner conflict, make sure to find opportunities to grow staff members, and ultimately looking ahead to ensure there's work every day for that team; planning for the next quarter, making sure the work that's going out is leading to the company goal and creating opportunities that lead to the type of work that the studio wants to stand for. They're the ones that are going to be having the tough financial conversation. They're the ones that are going to have to deal with someone getting let go. All of those heavier situations.
Mack Garrison:
There's not always a right answer for something. Sometimes a new request comes in that you’ve never dealt with one before. When you get situations like that, what's your solution strategy? For unprecedented situations, how would you advise some younger producers?
TJ Kearney:
When I started, I was frustrated. I was always told this industry is about who you know, and I didn't know anybody. I worried about breaking and making those connections. The hardest part when you're a young producer is realizing that producing comes with time. There's nothing you can do about it. You have to work your way through a bunch of different projects to start understanding what's needed, what unforeseen things to anticipate. That knowledge only comes with repetition and experience.
Another thing, every team you work with is different. A lot of times you'll see a producer who's like, “well, I had this team that was able to do this in two weeks.” Your new staff may take four weeks to do the same task. So, it's about knowing who your team is, what they can do, and how well they can do it.
Mack Garrison:
When you're a producer, you're talking about experience and how you need to build experience to make decisions. For someone who's up and coming, particularly maybe if you're the sole producer at a studio full of creatives, you may not have a mentor. How do you make tough decisions when you feel like there's nothing that you can back it up against? Is there a methodology you do in this situation?
TJ Kearney:
Getting back to what I was saying before about not knowing anyone, build a network that you can bounce ideas off of. They don't have to work at your studio. We all are guessing. It's the Wild West. Everyone's just making it up. The rate of what something costs is whatever you can get away with at the end of the day. So, it's tough to say, “here's the set of rules to use for producing,” because they don't exist. My whole career, I haven't had to deal with print. So, when I have a print ask, I have producers I can reach out to with that background. They help guide me. The misnomer that a producer should know everything isn’t possible.
Mack Garrison:
It's great to hear you say that. I think about when I was first getting into animation and motion design, I was a junior animator. As you get older, you gain more experience and realize that, to your point, no one in the game knows what they're doing. Everyone's just figuring it out. Once you conclude, it gives you the confidence to handle difficult situations consistently. The biggest thing that I've learned is whatever decision you make, make it, learn from it and be consistent with how you approach that in the future.
TJ Kearney:
Exactly. The difference between a junior producer and somebody seasoned, is a junior producer tends to fake it till they make it, pretend like they have all the answers when they don't know what they're talking about and do it as tight of a budget as they think they can get away with; all the things that bite you in the ass. Every one of them.
When you're a seasoned producer, you've got nothing to lose. Your job is pretty secure because you're a very senior person in this industry. So when you're at that level, you're able to say like, I don't fucking know and that's okay. I’ve made a fool of myself several times by just pretending I knew what I was talking about. When you're more senior, you don't sweat it. You say I need more time. You say I need to ask some questions first. I'll get back to you. You pad your budgets because you know that whatever you think it's going to take, it's going to take more than that.
“a partnership has to be a partnership. not a vendor relationship.”
Mack Garrison:
That's so accurate. It’s all about learning from experiences, which might be a good segue to a question for you. Are there any key moments of mistakes that have stuck with you?
TJ Kearney:
There are a few. At my very first job as a producer, I was working in visual effects and finishing house. We were finishing spots, big national broadcast spots, and stuff. We had to get ISCI codes so that we could play everything. ISCI codes are becoming rare, but at the time I had no idea what the fuck ISCI code was. I was too embarrassed to ask anyone though. Then, I did a Google search for ISCI and saw some definition of it as a password. I just went in, really confidently, to the client. I was like, "Yeah, let's set that password." They were like, "What are you talking about? That's not what an ISCI..." The client had to teach me what was in the room. You’re better off asking upfront, than being embarrassed after the fact.
Also, early on, my scopes were light, especially in assumptions. Remember, just because a client may have had animated thoughts before, doesn't mean they know what it takes to do what we do. I’d say, "We'll deliver you a spot, it'll be 60 seconds." That's about it. What I didn't build in back then was, "This is the style that we're locking in on." Or, "This is the round of reviews." A costly one for me was a really big tech job early on. We were supposed to run, around eight to ten weeks. In the end, it ran for eight months.
Mack Garrison:
Oh, wow.
TJ Kearney:
The client was frustrated, they felt the scope was deliverable space and we hadn't delivered against what they were requesting. I felt it was time and material space, but the scope was too loose to prove either of us right. Just made this uncomfortable situation. Do all the tough conversations before you get started. Make sure your contract is buttoned up. Make sure you've thought of every possible left turn that's going to come along the way, that it's written into your scope so that when it comes, no one's caught off guard, which happens a lot.
Mack Garrison:
That has to be a universal mistake. I'm cringing a bit because I look at what our SOWs were when we first started. What we send now is drastically different. I was guilty of the one line, "Here's the price, here are some references." I'll break things out line by line, to even storyboard style frames, keyframes, animatics to show the process, and what we're building into that. Laying out review times, because even with the best intentions, something always comes up. You just want to make sure that when there is an issue, you have a roadmap on how to handle it.
TJ Kearney:
It's brutal. Important things that get left out there are about breaking things down for granular. For me, I set out the ideal review cadence that I'm anticipating for the whole project within the contract itself, including how many hours the client has to respond with feedback before the change order kicks in. What I get asked a lot by younger producers is, "We're still only doing the number of reviews that we agreed to in our contract, but the client's taking a week to get back to us every round, and we're losing all this time." If you haven't built that into your contract, you screwed yourself.
Mack Garrison:
Right. Particularly on those event-driven deadlines, it's contingent on them responding. That's lost production.
When we first started the company, I remember reading books. Gino Whitman had this book, “Traction.” It spoke about systems and organization, as a creative, I didn’t think it was for us. I turned an eye towards having stock prices or systems for how we quote things out. But, the more I've grown in my position, the more that I've learned to like systems. They create an efficient machine. What are your thoughts on systemizing? Is it good or does it take away from the quality?
TJ Kearney:
I see two sides of that coin. I can tell you what I do now. I have boilerplate signs that are four different tiers of projects. If we need to turn out something quickly, we already have a keynote built that says, "Here are some examples of that style. Here are the deliverables that typically come with that style." Then, I give ranges. I won't get granular at that point, it's more like, "Okay well, that type of project typically costs $xx." Whatever it ended up being, you should anticipate the project will be between $xx and $xx. That's a variance in price there, comes down to music, video licensing types of things, or how intricate we get with the animation. We have a range there, to where we can scale back if this budget's the issue, or we can scale up if quality is the goal. From there, I try to use those to present what their feedback is and what they're reacting to. But, you don't want to pigeonhole yourself; presenting references the same, limiting your team. You could just fall into a pattern of repetition which is problematic in itself. By keeping everything a little more bespoke, you leave the door open to other styles and opportunities.
The other benefit to systematizing is consistency. The last agency I was at, every bid that went out was wildly different. The rates were different. Even if the ask was the same, depending on which team you were working with, or which producer happened to do that scope, you would get back different rates. That isn't so much a concern when you're a small studio, but as you get bigger, that's problematic. You don't want one client coming to you multiple times with the same ask and getting three completely different rates, it makes you look unprofessional.
TJ Kearney:
By systematizing things, as you grow and you add producers to your team, you're ensuring everything that comes out of your studio is consistent.
Mack Garrison:
That’s accurate. I think back to what we were charging when we first started, we're four times those rates now. Partly because, initially, you're like, "I don't want to go under." But being confident to say "No" to projects that you know aren't the right fit, that was hard. Knowing you had the time to take on the project, but it just wasn't quite enough money. One thing we found helpful was to have a baseline retainer. That was a pivoting point, maybe a year or two, where I started to think we could start to push to do what we wanted to do. Do you feel the same way? Does every studio or agency need some sort of retainer model? It seems like a good safety net to have.
TJ Kearney:
Yeah. Like anything else, there are pros and cons. The trap with the downside to a retainer system is the perception, "The client owns you," at that point, right? I’ve seen where the expectation on the client's side is like, "Well, you're part of our staff now. If our staff works overtime, you better be ready to turn on, work nights and weekends for us." I would be very hesitant to fall into that trap, but that said, your company is going to be far more stable with retainers than it is without them because you can start to plan out the year.
I see this all the time, where a studio ramps up when they're busy, then all of a sudden they've got a bunch of people sitting around with nothing to put them on. I think that retainers are scary to a lot of people because they have no idea how they're structured or how to negotiate them. It starts to be a more viable option, as you become established and build a rapport with a specific client.
“The Junebugs” — Produced by TJ Kearney
Mack Garrison:
Well, that's a really good point.
I'm looking forward to having you down here in October. You’ll love my hometown, we’ll be getting y'all some barbecue.
TJ Kearney:
I'm excited, man. Thanks a lot.
Mack Garrison:
Great catching up, and enjoy the weekend, dude. I'll talk to you soon.
Takeover Tuesday with Victoria Blair
Q&A with Victoria Blair: a motion designer & illustrator based in D.C.
Q&A with Victoria Blair
Read time: 10min
Madison Caprara:
What’s up, Victoria?
Could you give us a little intro to yourself and your work? Some background if you will?
Victoria Blair:
Hey, I’m Victoria!
I’m a freelance motion designer & illustrator currently living in Washington D.C. I’m originally from Pennsylvania (the Philly/Wawa side) and I’ve been a doodler since my early days in diapers. Lately, I’ve been experimenting with a lot of collage-style motion work, as well as experimenting with lighting in my illustrations.
Madison Caprara:
Building off of that, how did you get into motion design and illustration? When did you know that this was something you wanted to pursue? Did you have any support in your decision?
“lately, I’ve found my best art comes from allowing myself to just create what I want, and how I want it while ignoring all the rules and trending styles.”
Victoria Blair:
I’m really lucky that my parents have always supported my creative side. I studied film production in college, and during my time I loved learning about cinematography, directing, and editing, but I struggled to find that motivating spark with anything production-related. Towards the end of my senior year, I saw a few computer science majors working on a kinetic type project in After Effects for one of their classes, and I thought that was the COOLEST thing. I think that very night I downloaded the program and started to play around with it while sorting through every tutorial on YouTube.
After graduation, I worked a few odd jobs in arts marketing & editing. I told my managers at the time that I was interested in learning motion design, and they encouraged me to incorporate it into the work that I did. Those projects were very simple, but looking back I appreciate how supportive my teammates were. I eventually discovered School of Motion, and after taking Animation Bootcamp, was able to land my first gig in the industry. I’ve been working ever since!
Madison Caprara:
So, I’ve noticed that some of your most recent pieces are collage works. Your reel looks amazing, by the way! What’s been one of the most challenging styles for you to get into or learn?
Frames of Fear 2020, Unkempt Beast - By Victoria Blair
Victoria Blair:
Thank you so much!
I feel as though I’m still in this exploratory phase of my career. I know what I love to do and what I want to learn (which lately seems like everything). But I don’t have a ton of experience in a variety of styles. One of the first real projects I ever worked on was a collage-style animation, and I think that helped me get hired for projects requiring that particular style. I’d love to learn more traditional frame-by-frame animation, as well as character work.
Madison Caprara:
What about one of your favorite styles?
Victoria Blair:
I love those styles that are a hybrid of 2D & 3D, to the point where I have no idea how it was accomplished but I desperately want to dissect it and try to create something similar. I love the look of 2D illustrations, so when that gets placed in an environment that plays on perspective giving it a 3D feel, I think that looks incredible!
Madison Caprara:
So, in your opinion, what are - if any - some visual trends right now to focus on?
“be proud of the work you do! not every project will be a masterpiece, but you’re always learning and will continue to improve, and that is a beautiful thing to experience.”
Victoria Blair:
Hard to say!
I feel as though there are a lot of visual styles I see frequently. I’m drawn to the weird and outrageous, where the characters are odd and almost ugly looking, but in a really beautiful way, you know? At the same time, I also admire the pieces that can accomplish the story with simple abstract visuals and geometric shapes.
Madison Caprara:
I tend to gravitate more towards the “weird” and abstract pieces too!
How do you personally stay relevant in this industry when there are so many talented creatives?
Victoria Blair:
Lately, I’ve found my best art comes from allowing myself to just create what I want, and how I want it while ignoring all the rules and trending styles. I feel really lucky to be a creative, but it can be a funny thing when you make that your career. Most of my professional work tends to fit a standard or commercial style, and sometimes I let that creep into my personal work.
My brain sometimes thinks my personal work isn’t good because it doesn’t fit a trending style, or isn’t presented in a way to fit a fancy algorithm. As a kid, I was always creating something without a care for other people’s opinions, so I try to maintain that kind of attitude and enjoy each piece I create.
Madison Caprara:
That imposter syndrome. It’s a b. We’ve spoken about it a lot recently. It seems like everyone battles with it in some aspect.
Being a woman in this industry, you’re a bit of a minority, have there been any particularly hard hurdles to overcome?
Victoria Blair:
Definitely. There were some difficult moments in college, especially in my major where I was one of only three women in my class. At the time I was just a quiet kid with no clear direction of where I wanted to go, so I struggled to speak up and advocate for myself and my skills. There was always someone with a louder voice or a bigger ego in the room, so I just kept my ideas to myself and helped everyone else out as best as I could. Even though that approach gave me a lot of experience, I left college without a real project that I was proud of and could call my own.
Breaking into the industry wasn’t super smooth either. I like to think I’m a very easy-going person, so when I was hired on a long term contract with a boss that turned out to be extremely sexist, condescending, and ultimately cultivating a toxic work environment, I had no idea how to handle it and failed to stand up for myself. I left that contract early for a multitude of reasons, but the biggest takeaway from that was learning the importance of self-worth and the power of confidence.
Madison Caprara:
Self-confidence is game-changing, but EXTREMELY hard to put into practice. I’m a big fan of the fake it ‘til you make it mindset.
Do you have any advice for young women just beginning their own journeys?
Victoria Blair:
Talk to others, experiment and fail, and enjoy the ride! It can be really really really difficult when you are just starting out. Know that you aren’t alone and that teammates, managers, or other animators in the industry you admire are incredibly helpful and important in developing your career. Ask them questions, share your struggles, and chat through your goals. In school, it was drilled into my brain that success in the industry is “all about who you know.” Strong professional relationships will pave the way for opportunities in the future.
Madison Caprara:
Who is your absolute FAVORITE artist or work?
Victoria Blair:
Impossible to pick just one because I have so many favorites! For illustration, I’ll always have a soft spot for Edward Gorey’s work. His illustrations inspired me to continue drawing in college during my free time (and during lectures…). I love his creatures and characters, specifically the ones from The Gashlycrumb Tinies.
Madison Caprara:
So pivoting from there, where do you go for inspiration?
Victoria Blair:
Everywhere! Cinematography in films, artwork in museums, old crumbling architecture, weird creatures in nature, and especially music with how lyrics and instrumentals paint their own visuals in my mind. When I hit a creative block, I know that’s when I need to leave my computer and go to my sources of inspiration to find that next idea.
Madison Caprara:
Nice! So we’re reaching the end. Do you have any closing advice or statements you would like to share?
Victoria Blair:
Something I’ve been trying to preach to myself lately is to be mindful in the moment, admire the progress I’m making, and all the people that have shaped me into being who I am now. It’s so easy to dismiss and doubt your work when you only compare it with what you see on social media. Be proud of the work you do! Not every project will be a masterpiece, but you’re always learning and will continue to improve, and that is a beautiful thing to experience.
Madison Caprara:
Great speaking to you, Victoria!
We’ll catch up again this Friday on our Mograph Lunch podcast!
Takeover Tuesday with Sofie Lee
Q&A with Sofie Lee: a freelance Motion Designer and Illustrator.
Q&A with Sofie Lee
Read time: 10min
Madison Caprara:
Hey Sofie!
How did you get into the career of motion design and illustration?
Sofie Lee:
I studied motion design at SCAD where I learned both animation in After Effects and 2D vector design. Drawing wasn’t a thing for me and I wasn’t much interested at that time. As I started my career in the industry, however, I saw a variety of design and illustration styles that were incorporated within animation. It was such a mind-blowing experience. They were so fascinating. Being able to share my ideas within drawings is a magical skill when beginning rough concepts, you know? That’s when I started to teach myself drawing and illustration.
Madison Caprara:
So, have you ever worked with a studio/agency, or have you always worked freelance? Do you see any pros and cons for both?
Sofie Lee:
During my senior year at SCAD, I had an opportunity to intern at a design and animation studio, which then luckily transitioned into a staff position. I embarked on my freelance journey last year to be on a new adventure.
But yes, definitely. In my personal experience, I’d say the pros of being in a staff position are that: 1.) It gives a safety cushion in terms of financial security, especially when you are fresh out of college. 2.) You have access to resources provided by the studio and get to learn a lot from other artists as well as the production pipeline. And 3.) You have fewer responsibilities on your shoulders because there will be an art director and creative director to back you up if you make a mistake or have to take time off due to any health issues.
The cons of being in a staff position: 1.) I personally felt constrained. Animation requires great teamwork and the majority of the job is client/commercial work where things need to be executed quickly, but beautifully, within the timeline. So, people were hired for a specific skill whereas I was interested in a lot of different things and wanted to grow at my own pace while making trials and errors. 2.) Having a limited income; income is often limited to the agreed salary unless you get a bonus or are promoted. Sometimes as an international employee, you are responsible for those extra attorney fees which are taken out of your salary.
Sofie Lee:
On the flip side, you have freelance work. Some pros are: First and foremost, you are your own boss which is the most exciting thing if you think about it. Because you are a producer of yourself as well, you can plan out your own schedule and grow at your own pace. Secondly, you get to learn the business side of production, which helps a lot to be aware of why smart decisions are important; how to get things done within the time limit with great work, etc. These new perspectives in business have been helping my workflow as well. And lastly, there is less distraction. When working at a studio with people around you, sometimes a random call pops up or your co-worker asks you to get a coffee (I miss this part) but you don’t have much of these since you are working alone. I’m realizing that I tend to focus better and get things done quicker working alone.
Cons of being freelance: You have to manage EVERYTHING and be responsible for them. Secondly, you can feel isolated and disconnected from people because you are working alone. And lastly, your daily routine can easily crumble if you don’t stick with it or remind yourself every day.
School of Motion: Jofie Collaboration - Design by Sofie Lee. Animation by Jon Riedell. Sound Design by Sean Smith.
Madison Caprara:
I feel like you’re either in the ‘love it’ or ‘hate it’ camp when it comes to remote work. There’s no grey area. I personally am a big fan.
Moving on, what has been your most interesting experience to date?
Sofie Lee:
I’d say attending the 2019 Blend Festival in Vancouver. I met a lot of great artists that I had been following. We talked about work, things we were inspired by, and just got to know each other in person. It felt dreamy.
Madison Caprara:
Nice! I haven’t gotten to experience one of these festivals yet, it’s why I’m doubly excited for dash bash this fall!
What is your favorite subject matter to draw inspiration from or pay homage to?
Sofie Lee:
Human anatomy and weird geometric forms and objects that draw on a certain mood. I also love abstract things (both organic and geometric) because they can be interpreted in many different ways. There isn’t a certain answer to be understood.
Madison Caprara:
How often do you allow your personal experiences to play a role in your works? Is there a specific piece you can think of for reference?
Sofie Lee:
I like to allow my personal experiences to play a role as much as possible because creating art based on my own experiences is such a therapeutic process to me. However, I also love collaborating with other creatives where the work doesn’t necessarily need my personal experience. It’s sometimes even better to remove myself and treat it as a creative solution. In the evenings, I work on my personal projects and that’s where I revisit my journals which are full of my own stories, feelings, and experiences. It’s almost like I’m hanging out with my past self and paying attention to my inner voice. I think one of the references I can use is probably my film I directed and designed called, Dream, where you can listen to my story and meet me through the work.
Madison Caprara:
I’m not sure if you’ve ever taken on a project that goes against your personal beliefs. How responsible do you feel creatives need to be when it comes to the overall message communicated with their work?
Sofie Lee:
I feel like this is a very subjective question and needs to be considered in a lot of different ways in order for it to be answered. Unfortunately, I don’t think I have a definite answer. I wouldn’t take on a project that’s crazy out of my scope of beliefs, and I’d also feel responsible for every type of project I agreed to work on regardless of my belief system because it’s about professionalism. Any work we create, whether it’s professional or personal, always communicates some sort of message which can be interpreted subjectively.
So my questions are: Should we as creatives feel responsible for every work we’ve created? Does every project we work on determine who we are? Are there any set rules and regulations to go about evaluating? What if you have other responsibilities that are bigger than pursuing your social responsibility as a creative? I definitely think it takes a crucial role to be aware of the power of creatives to influence the world, yet I’m genuinely curious to hear what others’ thoughts might be in regards to this.
Madison Caprara:
It is such a complex, weighted question. I’d be really interested to hear feedback from others as well.
For your personal projects, where do you go for inspiration?
Jesper Ryom Music Video; Nights - Designed by Sofie Lee. Directed and Animated by Mathijs Luijten. Sound Design by Jesper Ryom. Hosted by Delicieuse Records.
Sofie Lee:
I love going to art museums, watching movies, or going on a trip with my camera. On the internet, I check Motionographer pretty often as well as Wine after Coffee on Vimeo. Reading editorial magazines is also one of my go-to’s when it comes to finding some inspiration. Oh, and I can’t forget to say The Metropolitan Museum of Art website is full of amazingness.
Madison Caprara:
What is a skill that you believe is universally beneficial for all of the folks within the industry to perfect?
Sofie Lee:
I believe it is your communication skill; being able to articulate one’s thoughts and ideas is so important. I can’t stress enough to emphasize that. Surprisingly, it often gets underestimated. We all come from different backgrounds and people are now working remotely from all over the world. That being said, we should never assume the way we communicate individually is the right way, as there isn’t such a thing. Try to be a good listener. I also believe this would encourage the creation of an environment where anyone can speak their minds when it comes to collaborative work.
Madison Caprara:
Surprisingly - or not - you are not the first I’ve spoken with within the industry that stressed the importance of good communication skills.
Are there any particularly big challenges right now that you’re trying to overcome?
Sofie Lee:
As I’m now running my own business, the first big challenge at the moment is time management. I used to be pretty impulsive and would do things that I just felt like doing. I also have a puppy to take care of now, so my time is limited. Therefore, I’ve been making a schedule first in the morning based on my priorities and try to stick with it.
The second biggest challenge is keeping myself healthy. I was pretty swamped last year in both my personal and professional lives as I began working as a freelancer. I’ve been trying to exercise even just for five minutes a day. It’s tough because I’m not a big fan of moving my body and feeling sore. However, I love so much of what I do and want to keep pursuing this creative career.
Lastly, is to sustain peace of mind and toughening up my inner strength. Freelancing can be a rollercoaster. I didn’t believe it when people said it, but it is true. A precise schedule is needed but it doesn’t mean it always works that way. So I often try to remind myself that today won’t come again once it’s passed, don’t be shaken by temporary circumstances and feelings, cherish every moment I live in.
Madison Caprara:
That’s a great mindset to have.
Do you have any closing points you would like to share?
Sofie Lee:
I recently watched a documentary on Henri Matisse because I was really inspired by one of his works (I mean I always do but this particular one pulled extra interest) that said, “art should be something like a good armchair in which to rest from physical fatigue.” Working for someone is great but this quote reminds me of giving myself some time to be immersed in my own art and feel at peace and relax as we all deserve that.
Dream - Directed and designed by Sofie Lee. Animation by Omid Seraj. Sound Design by The Chicken and Sono Sanctus.
Takeover Tuesday with Millie Woodcock
Q&A with Millie Woodcock: a freelance illustrator and designer who also animates for Lambda Films.
Q&A with Millie Woodcock
Read time: 5min
Madison Caprara:
So, how did you get into the illustration and motion design game? Did choosing it as a career path click immediately or did it take some self-exploration?
Millie Woodcock:
As a kid, I had always loved drawing my favorite cartoon characters. Once I realized that this was an actual job, it stuck with me and I always wanted to go into an animation career. Illustration as a job came a little later after I studied animation, and then motion graphics came even later after I graduated. Motion graphics took a bit more self-exploration, I never really felt like I could fit in with traditional animation techniques and really took to the graphical styles of motion graphics. I had a few intern jobs after graduating, then managed to get a full-time role as a motion graphics animator. I’ve been working as an animator now for seven years and started freelancing three years ago.
Madison Caprara:
What kind of education did it take to get you where you are today? Looking back, are you for or against pursuing a formal education?
Millie Woodcock:
I did a BA in animation at Norwich University of the Arts. I think formal education is really down to the individual person. I don’t think I would have had the self-motivation at 18 to learn what I needed to learn with online courses. However, there are now so many online options run by industry professionals that it seems much easier to learn online. There weren’t as many of these when I went to University. There isn’t a right or wrong path into the industry.
Madison Caprara:
What are the best and worst aspects of working in the animation field?
“there isn’t a right or wrong path into the industry.”
Millie Woodcock:
The best part of my job is being able to work on many different projects, which means I get to explore different styles and approaches. I tend to get bored on a project if it lasts too long. Working in the commercial field of motion graphics keeps me on my toes as I don’t tend to be on a project that lasts more than a couple of months.
The worst aspect is that sometimes you can get some really tight deadlines where you feel like you don’t have time to think and consider your approach.
Madison Caprara:
Tell us a little more about your aesthetic. It’s so fun and almost...serene?
Millie Woodcock:
Thank you! I feel like my aesthetic is always developing. I do love playing with shapes, specifically in my character designs, I also love to play with proportions and perspectives.
Madison Caprara:
What is the craziest client or project experience you’ve had thus far?
“Attention Everyone” — Designed and Illustrated by Millie Woodcock; With Very True Story.
Millie Woodcock:
I have one that was a crazy project in a good way!
I was approached by the team at Very True Story to storyboard and design an animation that was scripted by 4th Graders. It was so much fun to bring their story to life.
Madison Caprara:
What is your all-time favorite animation or illustration and why?
Millie Woodcock:
It’s hard to pick but one of my all-time favorite animations is, My Moon, directed by Eusong Lee.
The story and design are both amazing, I never get bored of watching it.
Madison Caprara:
Are there any new trends that newbies (or even veterans) should be focusing on, in your opinion?
Millie Woodcock:
I feel like I’m seeing a lot of noisy gradients. I’ve even started to add them to my own work because I like how it looks. But, I don’t think it’s super important to have to focus too much on trends. If you see something you like, take inspiration from it and give it a go.
“I don’t think it’s super important to have to focus too much on trends. if you see something you like, take inspiration from it and give it a go.”
Madison Caprara:
How has the pandemic affected your access to work?
Millie Woodcock:
I’ve been lucky to not have a decrease in work. I live in a small town and I think the pandemic opened up more remote freelancing work too.
Madison Caprara:
Do you foresee an increasing or decreasing demand for animators and illustrators now and in the coming years?
Millie Woodcock
At the moment, I feel like there has been an increased demand for animation work. I think where physical filming has been difficult to do during the pandemic, these projects have moved over to animation instead.
Madison Caprara:
Where or who do you turn to for inspiration?
Millie Woodcock:
I get inspiration from many places; being able to travel and socialize helps refresh my brain a lot, so this year I have found it a struggle to get the motivation to create personal work.
I also get inspiration from all of the artists I follow on social media; looking through my Instagram feed can help motivate me to create something. I now have a dog, he has occasionally inspired me to create some illustrations that feature him.
“don’t let imposter syndrome get in the way of putting something out there for people to see.”
Madison Caprara:
Do you have any closing advice, points, or statements you would like to share?
Millie Woodcock:
I personally struggle to finish personal pieces, so a piece of advice I really need to follow for myself is to finish something and move on. Don’t let imposter syndrome get in the way of putting something out there for people to see.
Takeover Tuesday with Joey Judkins
Q&A with Joey Judkins: an animator and art director from Columbus, Ohio.
Q&A with Joey Judkins
Read time: 5min
Madison Caprara:
So, how did you get into your medium? Did it immediately click or take some exploration?
Joey Judkins:
It's hard to answer this only because it's hard to say what my "medium" is! I started drawing at a very early age, now I'm working in 2D and 3D on all kinds of projects. I'd say 3D definitely took some exploration and practice to learn, but after doing so much 2D character animation, I was happy to find that 3D character animation came relatively naturally to me once I knew the tools in C4D and Maya.
Madison Caprara:
Was there ever a point where you doubted your career path?
Joey Judkins:
All the time! When I was an illustration student in college, I wondered if it was a good idea to pursue illustration as a career. When I was a full-time caricature artist at a theme park, I wondered if it was a good idea to continue doing that, so I applied for a job as a video specialist which was a mix of motion design and videography at a church. After that, I doubted if being on a church staff forever was a good career move, so I took a staff job at a motion design studio.
I didn't really have a plan to leave any of those jobs until I had a healthy dose of doubt about them. Finally, after going freelance, I can say I've had less and less doubt about my career path. But the occasional fear that "this might not last forever" and "one day I won't have any work" still springs up. So I try to get through those fears by working on personal projects that excite me and challenge me creatively.
“the occasional fear that ‘this might not last forever’ and ‘one day I won't have any work’ still springs up. so I try to get through those fears by working on personal projects that excite me and challenge me creatively.”
Madison Caprara:
I see that you teach on the side, is that something you recommend doing for all creatives? What have been the most difficult and most rewarding aspects of teaching?
Joey Judkins:
I wouldn't necessarily recommend it for all creatives, I think there's something inside people who want to teach that compels them to do so. It's extremely rewarding when you know you've helped someone learn something, so that's the driving force behind wanting to teach. It's not a bad way to earn side income either, but it definitely takes a lot of work organizing your thoughts, feeling comfortable filming yourself and your process while, and then editing it down to something digestible for people to watch. Anyone who has tried to record themselves making tutorials understands that struggle.
Madison Caprara:
What have YOU learned about animation and what lessons have you incorporated into your work/life from teaching and working alongside your students?
Joey Judkins:
One thing I've learned from teaching is that everyone learns differently. Also, just because someone else may have a course similar to yours, that doesn't mean you shouldn't put your own voice out there and allow someone to learn from your unique style and approach. You always learn a little while you're teaching; it's almost like extra practice.
Madison Caprara:
Advice for those just beginning their journey: for or against the formal education route?
Joey Judkins:
This one is tough - I cannot say that someone wouldn’t benefit from a formal education in art or animation, because I'm speaking from the experience of someone who went to art school. I can say that in today's world, however, there are so many more avenues for learning online than there were when I went to school and that formal education has only gotten more and more expensive (but not necessarily better). Let's put it this way: If and when my daughter decides she wants to be an animator, I'm not going to let her go into massive debt to do it - I'll do my best to help her find an online solution. And when all is said and done, the best artists out there (whether self-taught, formally educated, or online) are going to succeed by putting in the work and being diligent.
Madison Caprara:
In the freelance game, there can be extended periods of downtime. What do you recommend doing to keep your skills sharp during these times?
Joey Judkins:
I always recommend having a running list of downtime projects; stuff you've wanted to learn, shots you want to work on to stretch your skills in one direction or another. One thing I'll say is that it's tempting to try to learn something based on fear (someone might not hire me if I don't learn X or Y), but I recommend learning something that aligns with your actual interests and what kind of work you want to do. Chase your desires, not your fears!
Madison Caprara:
What has been your favorite project, whether personal or paid? What about it really stuck with you?
Joey Judkins:
Another REALLY hard one! I'm going to say my Ultraboy animation (circa 2016) is one of my favorites because it represents so much about my artistic journey. When I first started, I knew no 3D whatsoever, but I had ideas for little stories and even video games. I came up with the character Ultraboy as a kind of homage to Megaman.
For a time, he existed only as a character design sketch in my sketchbook. I had ideas for ways he could use light and powers, and storyboards for fun little sequences to animate. The only problem is I had no idea how to actually do any of that. Over time, I learned 3D modeling, rigging, lighting, animation, and Octane rendering. The idea for Ultraboy came back to my mind, so I took a crack at it. Finally, what was in my head for so long was achievable thanks to new skills.
Madison Caprara:
Where do you go for inspiration?
Joey Judkins:
Honestly, I find a lot of inspiration on Pinterest, Behance, and (gasp) Dribbble! I remember people kind of flocking away from Dribbble a while ago, but it's still good for a quick idea or two.
“it's extremely rewarding when you know you've helped someone learn something, so that's the driving force behind wanting to teach.”
Madison Caprara:
How are you doing in this post-covid world? What are you doing now to achieve that necessary balance between work and sustainability in your life? How would you recommend fellow creatives go about prioritizing the work-life balance?
“the best artists out there…are going to succeed by putting in the work and being diligent.”
Joey Judkins:
I wouldn't necessarily call the world "post-Covid" yet, but I'm doing ok! I'm actually thankful I'm in a field where there is a large amount of flexibility on time and work situations. I can feel free to make my own schedule, pick up my kids from school, hang out at the house or at my own office when I need to. My wonderful wife does most of the work in order to allow me to have this kind of job though - she's a ninja without whom none of this would be possible.
If you're another creative and you are interested in having a family with kids, the biggest thing is figuring out a system and solid communication to divide and conquer work and life. If you don't have kids yet, you have the high ground in this industry, don't forget that. So it's up to you what you want to focus your life and attention on. It's hard to navigate how much "extra" time I should be putting into work - to learn, teach, make more money, whatever - while my children are here in my house, because eventually they will be grown, and I do not want to feel like I missed my chance to be a good dad to them.
Madison Caprara:
Do you have any closing advice, points, or statements you would like to share?
Joey Judkins:
If you're a freelancer, the best piece of advice I can give is to be a good communicator and always be reliable. Always do what you say you are going to do - it keeps your clients happy and keeps them coming back to you over and above your other skills.