Mack Garrison Mack Garrison

Takeover Tuesday with Cynthia Soe

An interview with Cynthia Soe: a motion designer, animator, and illustrator

Interviewer: Bella Alfonsi

Read time: 5min




Thanks so much for joining us for Takeover Tuesday, Cynthia! Please give us a lil' intro.


Hi! Thank you for having me :) I am a motion designer, illustrator and animator. I mostly work in the 2D field of motion but lately I’ve been venturing into different mediums and techniques. I am originally from Myanmar, Burma but I spend most of the undergrad and grad life in the States. Oh and when I’m not working, I am probably binge watching a show or baking.


What sparked your interest in motion design?


I’ve always loved telling stories and drawing but I never knew where in the design and art field I belonged to. I dabbled in architecture during my first two years of undergrad but I decided that it wasn’t where my passion lied so I made a 180 switch to Animation. After graduation, I was able to get a freelance opportunity with Digital Kitchen where I worked on a title sequence as an animator and that was when I learned about the field of Motion Design and everything unraveled from there.


Title sequence from Helstrom: a psychological family thriller about Ana and Daimon’s traumatic past



How do you think your experience at CCA as well as SCAD have influenced you?


I think they both helped me grow immensely as an artist. While I was at CCA, I was still unsure of what kind of artist I wanted to be. I explored a lot of techniques from hands-on building, illustration and prototyping. When I came to SCAD, I was more in tune with the field of Motion and knew that it was exactly the field I wanted to work in. My professors and peers from both schools are amazing. They really shaped me in how I view the world of design. I want to thank them so much for helping me become who I am.


Do you think having formal training makes a difference in getting a job in the motion design industry compared to being self taught?


Honestly, I don’t think it does. There are so many amazing self taught artists. I believe you just need ambition, grit and constant motivation and eventually you will earn the job you want. I also think connection and networking is very important in the industry.


Frame from The Great British Bake Off, title sequence.



You are skilled in both animation as well as illustration. Do you prefer doing one over the other?


Yes! After working for a few years now, I would say that I like designing/ illustration over animating. I love researching about the project and envisioning different ideas that will satisfy the client by creating different styles. I do enjoy animating but since I was formally trained in cel, sometimes it can get tedious. Both are definitely fun, especially to see your designs in motion as it comes to life to tell a story.


What's your favorite kind of project to work on?


So far it would be title sequences or brand packages. I do want to work on other types of projects such as 2D and 3D mixed with live action or even music videos. I am honestly excited for any project.


A series of styleframes based off Robert Frost’s poem “Fire & Ice”



Your work is colorful and playful and I love the use of texture. What advice do you have for someone trying to "find their style?"


Oh thank you so much! I think it has very much to do with who you are. It took me a while to find what type of drawing style I liked and fit me. I played around with a lot of drawing styles but the more I drew the more I gravitated towards specific types of colors and design languages which has become my style.


What motivates you? How do you get out of a creative rut?


My friends and family are the main motivators. Since I have a lot of creative friends, seeing all their amazing work helps fuel my creativity as well. When I am in a creative rut, I try to give myself breaks. I would either go on a walk or maybe just take a day to do nothing. I feel taking a break really helps me become creative again. Overall, having a great support system keeps me motivated.


What's your proudest moment in your career thus far?


I would say that the proudest moment in my career is to see my work out in the world. It feels great to see my friends and family going out or watching a show and to send me a pic of them seeing my work.


A frame for Hermès: a French luxury design house established in 1837.



Anything coming up that you're excited about?


Well, I recently just graduated from SCAD and earned my Masters. I have some new projects that I am currently working on and I am hoping to share very soon :)

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