Takeover Tuesday with Linda Miletich

An interview with Linda Miletich, an illustrator and digital marketing manager based in Oberpullendorf, Austria.

Q&A with Linda Miletich

Read time: 5min



Madison Caprara:

Hi, Linda! Why don’t we start with a bit of insight into who you are and what it is you do.

Linda Miletich:

Hey there, I’m Linda! Currently I’m enjoying my rather traditional life in the Austrian countryside. That’s also where I found my ideal work-life-balance. Or maybe “work-work-life-balance“ is more accurate: I recently started as a Digital Marketing Manager but I am also an Illustrator and I love the combination. I realized that when your talents and skills are in the creative spectrum there’s so many fields you can bring them into. And I’ve always wanted to cultivate all my interests. Since I’m a very analytical person and super interested in psychology I started to get into conception, brand strategy and marketing. Focusing entirely on illustration wasn’t an option for me since I don’t really like working from home and building mainly virtual contacts (you have to do that if you want to be an illustrator in the middle of nowhere with no real creative community around). I wanted to dive into the real world and spend less time on instagram and my phone. So in my illustration time I focus on a few commissions that really fascinate and inspire me and of course I work on my own projects too. 

Madison Caprara:

I see that you studied communication design in school. Could you break that down for us, what exactly is communication design?

Linda Miletich:

Communication design sounds a little cryptic but I think it’s the perfect term for what you learn in design school. There is always a message that has to be conveyed, something you want to show, tell or explain to your audience. Or there might be a way you want to make your audience feel. In communication design you get into the space between the sender (client) and a receiver (target audience) of information and you do all the work so that the receiver takes away the right message. For that you have to dig into a topic, understand it, take it apart and put it together in a way the receiver would understand. You have to develop a concept and your approach to the challenge. That’s what you learn in the course – and of course the many tools that help you visualize and send your message: photography, illustration, text, film, graphic design, sound and interactive media. 


Madison Caprara:

How did you pivot into illustration and how have you utilized the skills you learned with your education to further your creative career?

Linda Miletich:

Love that question! I wouldn’t say “pivot“, I’d say I “boomerang-ed“ back to illustration. Drawing is how it all started. As a kid I loved watching anime and every time I played Super Mario I was so fascinated by the fact that you can create a whole new world from your imagination: the stories you can tell, the things you can invent. In design school I focused on brand strategy and design because at the time I thought that illustration was just not foreseeable or reliable enough as a career path for me. 

But I also learned that your own happiness and your success is not about choosing what the majority of people does or what is perceived as “safe“. Your safest option is recognizing your own talents and building on them. You owe that to yourself. So I returned to illustration and art, it’s really where I feel most at home and alive at the same time. I think my education in strategy and conception helps me to double check if what I plan and what I draw communicates the right message. But I do get carried away too and find myself in a creative free flow sometimes – that’s often when the best ideas happen. I definitely believe in intuition! 

Madison Caprara:

What are the range of projects you’ve worked on? Do you have a favorite?

Linda Miletich:

So far I’ve illustrated wine labels, icons and illustrations for websites, tattoos, cover art for musicians and I am currently working on my own book project. My favorite project is probably my new series “Lenny’s Adventures“. The main character is a little boy. He symbolizes the vulnerable inner child within each and every one of us and I like visualizing the struggles of life with him. 

Madison Caprara:

I see that you’ve done a bit of cover art for different musicians and playlists. Tell us more about that!

Linda Miletich:

Sure! I was asked if I wanted to participate in building up the playlist brand Chill Better Daily. The musical focus is instrumental chill vibes and my two partners already had the idea of animal characters as a base for the branding. I developed the five characters and the imaginary world they live in as a base and location for the sceneries and covers along with the overall corporate design, typography and color scheme for the brand. Chill Better Daily releases EPs and singles with different musicians from all over the world. My time at Chill Better Daily has come to an end since I had to re-evaluate my creative capacities but I am super excited where the journey will go for the music and the cover art in the future! 


Madison Caprara:

How has living in Austria affected your work?

Linda Miletich:

Well, I don’t think that living in Austria has any particular influence on my work but I create art from a perspective of a young woman living in Central Europe. I think that defines my experiences and therefore my art. 

 Madison Caprara:

Now, along with the title of “Illustrator” and “designer,” you also are skilled in brand strategy. How do you define the role(s) of a brand strategist? What personal skills does a strategist need to be successful?

Linda Miletich:

Brand strategy is really where every design discipline comes together. As a strategist you have to supervise every little aspect of communication and make sure that the overall result fits the goals of the brand. You are responsible for the brand positioning, the corporate design, brand tonality and everything that builds the identity of a brand. For that you have to like thinking, diving deeper into customer’s brains, understanding them, analyzing their behavior. When building a brand it’s really about bringing together the following things: What do people want? What is economically and ecologically responsible? What is viable for the company? What is feasible? So you have to be ready for complex challenges! 


Madison Caprara:

How does it tie in with the work in which you are physically creating?

Linda Miletich:

Apart from a conceptual approach there is not much connection for me and that is wonderful. I love creating with my hands and switching off my brain for a while when I draw. That’s also where ideas find me and I don’t go out there searching for them. 

Madison Caprara:

Do you think of yourself as a “brand?” If so, how would you say you’re positioning yourself for success?

Linda Miletich:

I would say: not yet. But I am definitely taking the steps to find and develop my own style. I couldn’t lose my own creative identity for of a commission. In fact, I want to be consulted because of my style. And I am planning a “Lenny’s Adventures“ book in the future – I want to bring my own art into the world too because my own ideas define my most authentic creative self. My ideas come from daily struggles and thoughts. I like to look behind the surroundings, routines and behaviors we view as "normal". So when I have to describe my positioning or my motivation to create art I’d say that I like exploring the mysteries of the obvious.  


Madison Caprara:

What do you think will be the most exciting design-related trends of 2022?

Linda Miletich:

I hope that we will see a lot of yellow this year again and recently I am noticing more and more retro Disney illustration vibes. I think and hope that we will continue the revival of past decades and complete the aesthetic with „modern“ elements. 

Madison Caprara:

What are you passionate about outside of work?

Linda Miletich:

That’s a good one. My biggest passion is building a life that I am genuinely happy with. Work is a part of this but also building meaningful connections with people is extremely important to me. I love spending quality time with my friends and also I focus on growing as a person and becoming my truest self. Soon I will also move into a new home so at the time you mostly find me putting together interior moodboards. 


Madison Caprara:

Is there anything, in particular, you would like to end the interview with?

Liz Galian:

I want to say thanks for the opportunity, this was a lot of fun. And to anyone who reads this: You’re awesome and you’re talented. Keep searching for where you belong. And be nice to each other. :) Much love, Linda. 


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