Meet the speakers: Macaela VanderMost
An interview with Macaela VanderMost, Founder & Executive Creative Director of Newfangled Studios. Under Macaela’s leadership, Newfangled Studios combines the strategic thinking of an agency with the craft and artistry of a production company. Whether they are creating social campaigns or developing short-form brand films, Macaela, and her team use storytelling and design as vehicles to combat stereotypes, amplify underserved communities, and move the needle forward for her clients.
Q&A hosted by Cory Livengood and Ashley Targonski.
Read time: 15min
Hi Macaela, it’s great to see you and interview you for the Bash - we'd love to just know a little bit about what your career looked like before Newfangled. How you found yourself in the motion design space and the studio space even before you started your own, and what that journey looks like?
Sure. I started my journey as a video editor and I worked in reality TV. Anyone who's been a video editor knows that you're the one who ends up staying up all night long, because everything up until that point has had delays or questions around it. And I started feeling a little bit frustrated with that and thinking, well, maybe I actually want to be a producer because I could see the problems at the top. Also, I was in my early 20s. So at that point in my life, I “knew everything” and I could see that I would be a great producer. So then I pivoted to starting to become a producer, and I got a gig as a predator, so it was like a producer/editor on a reality TV show.
I've never heard that term before. That's really great.
Oh, it was a thing back in the early 2000s. People were predators. Then I realized that actually it's neither producing nor editing that I want to do, it's creative direction. So it took me a couple of wrong turns to get to realize that I wanted to be a creative director. And that was because I started freelancing, I realized that TV wasn't for me and I really wanted to do advertising. And so I started freelancing at an ad agency and I would be the person in the edit suite working live with a creative director. And they had all the ideas and the vision, but they didn't have to execute every detail themselves And I was like, that's what I want to do. I want to be the ideas person. And so I pushed forward with what I knew how to do and knew how to get paid for, which was editing until I had more gigs than I could handle.
And I decided, okay, when that was the time I'm going to start my studio. So starting my studio meant, say I wasn't going to come in person anymore. Because at the time it was only in-office, and nobody took projects remotely. It just didn't happen. I said, Nope, I'm a studio now, so if you're going to hire me, I'm going to do it in my own space and I'm going to have an intern who's my assistant, and I'm going to put a TV in the room and you can come in and sit with me and this is my edit suite and you can hire me this way. And so some of the people who worked at that big ad agency thought, okay, cool. I'll hire Macaela. She's a post-house basically.
And I started getting gigs that way. I'm not a designer, but I've always had an eye for design and an ability to direct what I wanted it to look like and be able to see it in my mind's eye. At all the places that I worked, there was always a motion graphics component to the editorial work or the branding or the lower thirds or the show open and close. So that was always sort of part of what I did. And I surrounded myself with a lot of people who did that, and I would partner with them to get things done.
And then over time, and this was back in 2009, I realized, okay, if I want to start getting bigger jobs, we need to do the production as well because then I'm going to be able to do the post. So I started partnering with more people who could do production and then got one job at a time. I built it up to what it is now and was able to build it starting out with literally nothing. I didn't have any money or any equipment or anything. I just knew people and was a decent editor and can pull things in. And then I had producing chops so I could do the budget and the schedule and manage the job. And now we're 32 people and we have all the great equipment and resources and wonderfully talented people, and we handle all the way from creative; through concepting, live action, sign, animation, editing, and then the project management along the way.
That's fantastic. So even with the live-action work, you're doing that in-house, you're not hiring out other crews and other things like that. I mean, your equipment, your studios, and your... Fairly mixed.
Typically, the way it works with live-action is that you would have staff producers and staff directors, and then the particular crew, you're going to hire out the right camera person for the job. The right gaffer, the person who's going to do the lighting, the hair and makeup artist, all those people are going to be freelanced. But for the most part, we have our go-to people who we've worked with over and over again. I mean those people really wouldn't be staff anywhere that you went.
Yeah, that's similar to our experience too with our live-action, which is a little less than you guys, but yeah, it's a very similar process.
So you have your producers and directors in-house, and then you pull in your freelancers for the shoots.
When you started was that the goal, going from a single person to a company?
Yeah, it was always that I was going to grow a studio. In fact, this is my third attempt at a studio.
Oh wow.
I started Phatcaddy Productions when I was a teenager, and then I started MVM Post, and then I started Newfangled and Newfangled was the one that took off. I have always wanted to be an entrepreneur. I never thought about anything else. I never even considered anything other than entrepreneurship.
That's great.
Yeah, there was really never, it never was like, oh, should I or shouldn't I? It was just like, this is what I'm going to do. And I just kept trying different angles until it happened.
Macaela VanderMost, Executive Creative Director, Newfangled Studios
These days the inclusion and diversity components of a company have become, and I guess this is a good thing even though sometimes it has bad parts, trendy. But I wonder for you, is that always also part of the equation as far as bringing in underrepresented people as you built Newfangled in particular, the studio that made it? Or is that something that's just more of something that everyone's coming to terms with now and getting more visibility around?
So I'd say we started around 2011. So maybe it's just the stages of survival and what you're thinking about. But at the beginning I was just thinking about getting better at my own skills and getting jobs and partnering with the right people and getting the work done. And it wasn't really as much on my radar. And also I didn't feel very empowered to have a voice back then. And then in about 2011, I started getting a little pushier with my clients about being inclusive, specifically with casting, with the way that we drew characters, with storylines, with inclusive language, not always being ableist with your language or not always being heteronormative with your language.
But at that time I still wasn't... It's a journey like anything else. I was still at the beginning of my journey and then I put out the series Untapped, I think that was in 2016 maybe. So still far before what happened to George Floyd, when everybody realized that this is important. But at the time, that was when we first started really pushing hard beyond the LGBTQ and women or female-identifying people and really expanding it out. And we started doing a lot of pro bono work in the disability community. I think my horizons were just broadening, we were growing up a little bit as a studio. I was growing up a little bit as a human, by that time I was in my mid-30s.
And once I started to have bigger clients and more confidence that when I said something, they would listen versus always being afraid that if I pushed too hard, they were just going to go elsewhere or that I was going to come off as annoying and pushy. And it really had a lot to do with building my own personal confidence and as building the Newfangled brand, people would trust me because they trust my brand, so we started pushing harder and harder and making it more of our core identity. Untapped, I think, gave us some of that credibility.
We opened up the 3% Conference with that video, and we included some really big players from some really big companies that were part of that. And all of that was, we didn't get paid to do that. We just did that on our own time because we wanted to. I think that was really the catalyst for crystallizing it as a core value of Newfangled. But again, it was all an evolution because Newfangled wasn't started by hedge fund people, and here are the core values and our identity, what we're going after with this big business strategy. It was really like...
How do I pay rent?
Yeah! I was just this dork who was obsessed with making videos and I did nothing but that for a really long time until it grew into a thing that is bigger than me.
Untapped: Macaela’s Fight for Equality
Well, and that's really, that's where the confidence to be able to make those, as you said, okay, now people know my brand and they know that I'm the expert and speaking as an expert on this, you get a lot less pushback I'm sure, than the annoying person you were worried about.
And also it's just the relationship with my clients. I mean, at this point, whether it's about DEIB or anything else, I'm very comfortable to, after the big meeting in front of everybody, call the cell phone of my client, and be like, can we offline about this? And I have that relationship with people. Whereas when you first start out, you don't and it can be scary to do that, to take a stance.
Yeah, that's a really good point. Did you ever run into situations with clients where they were pushing back against that? Or have they all been pretty open to those conversations? How do you navigate?
Before 2020 it was constantly a battle.
Even post-2020, there are times when we get a lot of the, wow, let's just do it both ways just to be sure.
And you know that they're going to pick the other way. Right?
Yeah. I think typically before 2020, for the most part, the people who I was surrounded by had similar values to mine, but maybe not the passion to push it forward. And so while they wanted to see representation in the work, they didn't care enough to stick their own neck out. So I might have put something forward that maybe seemed a little risky to them in terms of will every stakeholder in the whole wide world, including middle America, be happy about this? No, let's just not take the chance. Let's just do the safer thing. So while it's not that, I don't think that anybody I was working with was a bad person or inherently racist or homophobic or any of those things, I think they just didn't care enough to take a risk and say to their boss, I stand by this and here's why. It was just easier to say, that seems a little forced. That was a line I'd get a lot. It seems a little forced.
So I would get pushback for that reason. Or they would say, let's do it with and without. So it started in early 2011 through maybe 2015. It would be a hard no. Like I'm cool, but other people might not be. So let's just be safe and take it. And then 2015 ish to maybe 2020, I get a lot of the, let's just do it both ways. I'm cool, maybe they won't be. And then from 2020 and beyond, all of a sudden it's like, hey, in the brief, let's just make sure we're being diverse. And everything is like this has to be a diverse cast. And it's like the cast is one person. I'm like, do you know what the word diverse means? Making your one character black didn't make you diverse.
From 2020 and beyond, it was a mandate, even though they didn't know what they were talking about, and they would just call everything diverse. It just meant we don't have all white people. It's been a journey. We're all on a journey.
Yeah. And when you get that pushback as a business owner, an entrepreneur, you don't want to say no to a contract or you've got to pay your staff and things like that. I mean, this is a delicate question but just wondering, how often do you acquiesce? Do you say, okay, we're going to do it your way, even though I know it's not the right way? Or is that something you had to do more of before and less of now?
I would say in that benchmark before 2015 where I became very confident in my viewpoint and not really worried if I was going to get the next gig or not.
I would do, I mean, I went as far as editing myself. Personally, I was asked to be in the video and then they asked me to edit myself out of the video because not everybody wanted to see gay people.
So I definitely cried in the bathroom after that one.
I would just do whatever they said because I wanted nothing more than my studio to take off. And these were big brands. Out of the gate, I was working with big brands and so I was intimidated. After 2016, I think partly because I had made this big public stink with Untapped, I just felt empowered to be like, no, I'm not doing that. And I did many times. I did take it both ways. I'll give you another just very personal example. We were doing a shoot for a company and there was a scene and it was like two parents picking up a baby out of a crib and nuzzling them. And so it was at the time I had a newborn baby.
So I volunteered my baby for the shoot and she was in the scene and I cast a lesbian couple. They weren't really a couple, but I cast them to look like a couple. And the scene is, they pick up the baby and they're kind of nuzzling the baby out. And this is when clients were remoted in, this is probably, well, I know which baby I'm talking about. So this would've been 2018. My daughter was an infant. And I get a client comment on the other end from someone who I know well and is a good person who said, Hey, I love that we're being diverse, but could we just get it another way? Could we just have a man and a woman? And I didn’t happen to have a second set of backup actors. So one of my producers who just happened to be a very good-looking guy was like, I'll do it.
And he stepped in with the more feminine looking lesbian of the couple and pretended it was their baby. And then for the whole rest of the shoot, every time that we had the lesbian couple cast for something, we'd shoot it that way and then my producer would step in and pretend to be the dad and we'd shoot it the other way. And that was kind of that mid-ground where it was “get it both ways”. I still made sure that the lesbian couple ended up in the cut, but I was riding the line during the shoot, even though I was pretty upset about it. And it was pretty awkward for my producer who knew what he was doing and knew me.
It was pretty awkward for him. But there were a lot of things like that where it was like, I want to do this, but I'm also afraid that I'm going to get in trouble. So can you cover my butt and make sure that you just have the white straight guy in the shot too? And then I would fight the battle later in post. So sometimes it's just a matter of picking the time and place, but still getting to the same end goal of that is what ended up being in the co.
Yeah. That's a crazy story. I'm glad that it worked out in the long run though. That's great.
There's just a lot of things like that. It's just very, very, very common that it's the, just get it both ways.
And these days you have people on staff who DEIB advocate roles on staff too. And what does that role sort of entail and how does that play into the production, your client work?
We partner with Joy Channel who works as an extension of our staff to push our DEIB mission forward. So for diversity, they help us with qualitative and quantitative studies, so they conduct listening sessions with the staff about what any of the issues are. They do the quantitative, they keep track of our industry benchmarks and where we are so that we know, hey, we're doing good here, but we need to work on this over here.
So that's more on the diversity part. Equity is really about making sure that people have access to the tools that they need and can advance in their careers regardless of their background. And that can be anything from just something that really recently came up from a survey last week. We have some people who don't have great eyesight, and when we're screen sharing, we weren't sending out the deck in advance. We were screen-sharing the deck and sending it out after. That's an equity thing. Some people don't have great eyesight and they couldn't freaking follow along, but they felt embarrassed to say, I can't see it. So that's just an example of things that can be that simple that are about equity. Another example is when we went remote. I’m in my 40s, I have a house with a home office and a yard.
It didn't occur to me that not everybody has a private place to work. And at the time, my designers, I was like, here you go, take your workstation home. And it was two monitors and a giant tower and they were like, cool, I'll put this in the kitchen with my roommates. And so it was an equity issue that we uncovered by social listening. Where I needed to get certain people laptops so that they could go have a place to work. So things like that. That's the equity piece. Inclusion is really about how you include everybody's opinions, viewpoints in an environment where it's one very subjective, two, some people are just loudmouths on my staff, and some people are incredibly introverted. How do you make sure that everybody is included in the conversation?
And then also it’s about belonging. Inclusion is about, “Hey, we want you here for professional reasons. We value your opinion. We think you're good at what you do.” That kind of thing. Belonging is more about, we want you here because we like you, you feel like you belong. You're a part of this team. And it doesn't mean that you're a part of this team because we have a homogenous culture, but you're a part of this team because you uniquely bring something valuable. And we have people who are on the autism spectrum. We have people who are super outgoing and love to be social. We have people who came from very modest, low socioeconomic backgrounds, and we have people who went to Ivy League schools and come from generational wealth. Plus racial plus LGBTQ plus and age, how do you take all those disparities and create a culture where everyone feels like they belong?
We're still working on that, especially in a remote culture. But that was something that we needed to deal with as a studio because we used to all be in person and we used to all be pretty close, hung out, and we were kind of homogenous in that way. We might have had different genders and races, et cetera, on our staff, but ultimately we liked the same things we joked around in the same way we all lived in Boston, we went to similar colleges if not the same college. So we had all of that in common. And as we try to become a more diverse company, it's not going to be like that. And we're remote, so we have to be more intentional about the belonging aspect of it. So what they do is they do things to facilitate all of that internally.
And then for our clients, if someone comes to us with a campaign and we want to make sure that there's representation from whatever community that the campaign is targeted toward or whose story we're telling if they identify with that, they help us otherwise, they help connect us to the right people.
Yeah, that's fantastic. I'm taking notes. It's great. I wouldn't mind learning a little bit more about your pivot to remote working too. Do you still have a physical office at all or are you fully remote at this point? And sort of how you pivoted that and the cultural aspect of that, the belonging aspect of that is something that we are struggling with, everyone's struggling with. And if you have any advice, frankly.
I wish I could say we've cracked the belonging aspect of it, we haven't. What I can say is that we're actively trying. But going back to when we went remote, it was probably the same story as every other studio. We sent everybody home with their big bulky machines. And we made a spreadsheet that wrote down what everyone took home.
Before that you could be remote one day a week, that was our policy. So everyone had one of those orange LaCie hard drives issued to them, and we had a VPN where you could VPN into the server and download something if you forgot it. But it was painfully slow. I mean, really, it was like if you needed an AfterEffects project file, you could grab that. But if you were trying to edit or something, definitely it wasn't going to work. So we had a little bit of infrastructure set up to be able to work from home, and that was it. Since then, we tried a whole bunch of different things that didn't work until we landed on something that works pretty well for our studio. It's robust now, but a lot of it is because we get security audits from some of our clients.
Think of something else. Yeah.
That's really cool to hear that y'all have created a system where you're able to do a lot of that without it being such a huge pain point.
Yeah, it's really not a pain point at all anymore, but what it takes is dedicated resources. So we have two outsourced IT teams, one that is specific to the data center in Lucid Link and Iconic workflow, really the workflow for artists. And then we have another one who is specific to more general IT, making sure that our security and all of that kind of stuff is up-to-date. So we have two different IT teams, but then you need a point person, which is why we hired an operations manager.
Yeah, that's currently me. So again, taking notes.
My God, you need a Kayla, that's my operations manager.
We're getting there. I wonder a little bit too when it comes to some of the work that you're doing, is it mostly around producing packages of deliverables that you're handing to clients? Or are you pushing more into placement and strategy and some of those decision-making processes that go behind what to do with the videos that you're creating at Newfangled, or do you stay in your lane as it were?
No, we're very much involved upfront. We have a seat at the table with the media agency, so we don't place the media, but usually, before the media plan even comes in, we'll make recommendations based on the brief and say, oh, well, this could be really cool if we did X, Y, Z. And then once the media agency comes in, we'll usually have a phone call with them and talk about where your media plan and our creative really push one another. But we started getting credibility with that because we got this project with Google where we're creating the playbooks of how Google can best use the different social media platforms. And we're creating, they're these hundred-page decks that explain everything about the platform, how you can use it, the different ad formats where creativity and ad formats can intersect.
And then we work directly with those platforms to build them out, and then Google uses that to train their teams. So because of that project, which has been ongoing for a few years, we're the people who do that. We really have become experts in all of these different ad units. And then it ends up turning into a lot of consulting work also for Google. So for example, Google has hired another agency to do, I can't say too much about it, but a large project that drops in the summer that everyone will see when it comes out, and there's a TikTok component to it. And so any creative that's going to go on TikTok is getting run by Newfangled for notes and consultation. Then the pre-pro book is being run by us, and then we'll do the edit for it because they know that we really understand the ecosystem of TikTok and not that we're completely reinventing what they're doing, but we can nip and tuck and nudge in different directions to make it more social for us.
Breakdown of Newfangled's Google Chrome Integrated Social Campaign
That's really interesting.
The understanding of the social ecosystems is our superpower I think.
Is there any advice you might give someone who is a freelancer now who's decided to or is trying to decide to take the leap into creating a studio, making that pivot?
A couple of things. I guess if you're already successful, you probably have a decently large body of work. Edit it down. I don't need a portfolio with 50 examples of your work on it. Be really particular about what you put out there, have a really badass reel. I think that's super important. But probably the most important thing is the relationships. So you're only as good as the last gig that you did. If you phone it in on a project, a studio owner or a producer is going to know it, clients are going to know it, and they're going to feel it. Be willing to go slightly out of your lane. If you're an animator, I know that you know how to mock up something in Illustrator, be willing to do it, even if I've hired you for the day as an animator. And I think those are the types of things that help you go from being a successful freelancer to having a studio. Because if you do those things, and I know you're going to work hard, you're going to put in the extra effort. You're going to treat us with mutual respect and kindness. You're going to push for it to be more creative, but you're going to stay on brand, you're going to do all those things that that is what the studio owner wants.
Then trust is built. And once you have trust, I mean, that's when the relationship can take off to anything. And you have to remember that, you might be working with someone who is at such and such a job now that person is going to move up the ranks and move on in their career, and they may take you with them. So many of the most important clients that I have today were not very senior level. And they were working at an ad agency when I met them, and now they're executive creative directors at some of the world's largest brands. So it's really treating everybody with that respect, regardless of where they are, and being really honest and not taking on more than you can handle so that you can do everything really well and then let it build on itself.
That's great. Great advice. Yeah, a lot of our clients are born out of those similar relationships. I knew this person at an agency I used to work at, or I used to work with them at this company, and they quit. And then two years later, we get a phone call from them when they're somewhere else.
Never burn the bridge.
Yeah, exactly.
That's great. Just one last question, as someone who you mentioned at the top has tried to start a couple of studios and failed, frankly, but succeeded in the long run, what would you say to someone who's sort of struggling right now, someone who's new in the industry, or just hitting up against that wall, is there any advice you might give someone to get back on the horse as we mentioned earlier?
This might sound rough, but the truth is that this is a hard industry to break into and that the people who are successful almost make it their entire personality. You have to eat, sleep, breathe, and dream it. If the passion is not burning inside of you for it, my advice would be to take those skills and apply them to another role. If you are completely obsessed with it, like, you would rather do tutorials than hang out with friends. You can't watch anything, commercials, anything because you're thinking about “how did they make it?”
Then I think I would just say, just keep going. You continue to make yourself ready and then the door will open and you'll be ready standing in front of it, but you can't wait for the door to open to get yourself ready. So I think it's really just about knowing that level of passion. It's just an industry where you're not going to succeed unless you're completely addicted to it and have that much gas in the tank, which is why I was able to start the studio in my 20s that I probably couldn't start now.
Well, thanks so much for taking the hour with us and talking through your career we really, really appreciate it!
Yeah, thank you. Bye.