Takeover Tuesday Andy Evans

An interview with Andy Evans: an independent Motion Designer with a strong focus on 3D & Art Direction.

Q&A with Andy Evans.

Read time: 2min



Mack Garrison:

Thanks for participating in our Tuesday Takeover, Andy. For those that are unfamiliar with you and your work, can you tell us a bit about yourself?

Andy Evans:

Hey, thanks for inviting me to this! I’m Andy Evans, a freelance motion designer based in Reading, UK. I went freelance a month before the pandemic struck which was beautifully timed but I’ve been busy ever since. These days my work has transitioned over from 2D to 3D projects but I still call myself a generalist.


Snapshot from Andy’s BBC Showcase.


Mack Garrison:

Your 3d work is so fun! How did you initially get into the animation space?

Andy Evans:

Thanks! I’ve always been into drawing from a young age and I grew up watching Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon in the 90s. Fast forward 20 years and I started to grow an interest in graphic design. I went on to study this in which one of the modules was motion graphics. At the same time, I discovered Andrew Kramer’s videos on YouTube and it spiralled from there. After graduating, I worked at a few studios and agencies in London surrounded by incredibly talented people who knew 3D inside out. I would always pester them and ask the most basic and mundane questions, but I learnt so much.


Collection of shots from Andy’s “play” page on his website.


Mack Garrison:

Are there certain types of projects that you love to work on? What makes a good client?

Andy Evans:

My favourites are always the ones where there’s lots of room for creative freedom. When the client understands the process and enjoys the outcomes, it always ends up becoming such a positive and fun experience.

Mack Garrison:

Tell us a bit about your process, how do you approach a creative challenge?

Andy Evans:

I try and keep as open-minded as possible during the early stages while sticking to the fundamentals of graphic design. I then sketch these ideas out on paper before bringing them into the digital scene. At the same time, depending on deadlines, I need to be considerate of how long things can take as 3D always takes longer than you think! .

Mack Garrison:

I love the "Play" page on your website. How important is play in a creative workflow and how often do you get the chance to mess around?

Andy Evans:

Thanks! I think it’s very important to have some fun. With some projects, there are restrictions on brand guidelines but I always try and bend the rules. On the other hand, projects can be so open that messing around is to be expected! There’s nothing more satisfying than putting your stamp on something.


Work Andy did for Adele’s performance at Hyde Park.


Mack Garrison:

It's hard to pick one project as a favorite, but do you have any that stick out as being really fun?

Andy Evans:

I recently was lucky enough to work on the visuals for Adele’s concert at London’s Hyde Park this summer. I was surrounded by so many talented people which made the process so much fun. The energy and enthusiasm from the team were electric!

 Mack Garrison:

Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give to aspiring creatives?

Andy Evans:

Never stop learning! Keep experimenting and try new things. Don’t feel pressured by social media to compare yourself to others. Just be yourself :)

Mack Garrison:

What do you think the future of Motion Design looks like? Anything you're particularly interested in exploring?

Andy Evans

The fast development of A.I. has been seismic in the past year. Every week there seems to be another company that’s flexing its AI muscles which is fascinating to see. I have started dabbling with it for ideas so I’ll continue to explore that.

Mack Garrison:

Any upcoming projects or personal endeavors you're really excited about?

Andy Evans:

I’m currently working on something that involves boring everyday objects but is portrayed in a fun and unexpected way. Watch this space!

Mack Garrison:

Thanks so much for the great chat, Andy! And for the folks reading this, make sure to check out Andy’s site!


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